Associate Professor
Antonino Di Bella obtained his MSc degree with honors in Architecture in 1995 at the University IUAV of Venice, and Ph.D. in Applied Physics in 1998 at the University of Padova. He is Assistant Professor at University of Padova and he is in charge of the Acoustic Laboratory at the Department of Industrial Engineering since 2006. Formerly lecturer of Applied Acoustics at the Faculty of Engineering, nowadays he is assistant professor of Applied Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer at University of Padova. His activity of research is mainly concerned with acoustics properties of materials, outdoor sound propagation, and noise reduction, optimization of sound power emitted from machinery and equipment, IEQ, BIM. His publications include more than a hundred papers in refereed journals, conference papers, and technical reports. He is a member of several working groups of ISO/TC043/SC01 & SC2 and CEN/TC126. He is a member of Acoustics Committee of UNI (Italian National Standards Institute) and contributes to several working groups on noise control and annoyance, building acoustics, noise reduction techniques, equipment noise in buildings and update and improvement of prediction models in building acoustics.